

Science 1XX lectures are accompanied by Laboratory Work (Lab).

During the FIRST week of classes, all students must go to the Physics Laboratory at their scheduled Lab period for a mandatory laboratory orientation in room SCI 134.

6 Laboratory experiments will be performed during the semester. The experiment manual will be available at the copyland. You can also access the experiment sheets in the course website: Laboratory sessions will be held at SCI 134.

It is compulsory to attend the Laboratories. Each missed lab session, with or without a legitimate excuse accepted by the university, results in a reduction of your final course letter grade by one notch. A grade of at least 60% is required in Lab to pass the course, regardless of your performance in the rest of the course.

Whenever you have an excuse for the missing lab, you have to contact Nazmi Yılmaz ( within 3 days and provide the relevant documents in order to arrange a make-up session. It is your responsibility to ask for a lab make-up appointment. Late requests for make-ups will not be taken into consideration.

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